Montessori At Home
A student helps empty the dishwasher in the classroom.
reinforce our math and language work throughout the day in
conversation. We count things to show relationships with numbers. For
example, a guide may comment, "I have three children with me and I need
six in my group, so I still need three more friends." We model reading,
storytelling, and having conversations with the children.
We encourage the children to help in any way they can and to do for themselves what they can. The key to their success is making sure they have plenty of time to complete the work. Often the children take much longer to do things than we would. We don't expect perfection, but honor any attempt they make to help. Children this age can dress themselves, sweep the floor, wipe off the table, dust, pick up their toys, set a table, put their dishes in the dishwasher, and play independently.
is helpful to break down each activity into smaller steps. Instead of
"sweep the floor," ask your child to sweep under their chair. Instead of
"clean your room," have your child pick up one group of toys, like
trains or dolls. Picking up and cleaning up is also much easier for the
children when everything has a specific place to be stored.
A great resource for Montessori at home is
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