December Spanish News

Who says that learning another language can’t be fun?

During the month of December students from the Elementary classes learned about 
families and celebrations.  

Familias - Families:
Students created portraits of families, made books about things that they like to do with their families, made family puppets, did a reading activity, and put on a play. 
They did it all!

Casas - Houses + vivir (To live)
Using shoe boxes to make houses and clay to make muebles (furniture), students made replicas of their houses. They each had a turn to describe their house to their friends.  They also put on a play.

Celebraciones -Celebrations 
In each elementary class, students had the opportunity to learn how people in some parts of the world celebrate. To supplement this lesson, Andrea from the Global Education Center taught the students about styles of dancing in Spain.

We finished with a presentation from Spain on how Spaniards welcome the New Year by eating 12 grapes, one for each month of the year.

Happy New Year!   “¡Feliz Año Nuevo!” 

