Celebrating 25 Years - A Message from Board President Irma

Abintra is not unique to the challenges that other schools face, and our children aren't unique to those of their peers. 

What is unique is how these challenges are faced.

As board president, I always remind myself that Abintra is in the people business: little people, your little people, ours.

I got a reminder at our past board meeting. I stopped for a moment when I heard one of our board members (who is also an Abintra alum ) say, "Abintra prepares you to be a human being." I asked him to repeat it so I could soak in the depth of this statement.

Change is inevitable; transformation is a mindful set of choices.

The decisions made by the Abintra team are mindful, and with your children in mind.

Everyone who works in this community is preparing our children to meet the challenges of the future.

And it starts at the top. Sherry Knott is celebrating her 25th year as a part of the community. 

Over the past 25 years she has transformed from being a parent and a guide to becoming the director of the school. And all along the way she has been a passionate, excited, creative, experimental, and energetic educator. 

And most importantly, she has been focused on creating an environment that respects and follows all our children.

This is what I find unique.

Thank you Sherry for 25 amazing years of uniqueness.



  1. So grateful for the leadership, the willingness to change and shift with the times, but knowing who we are at the core- it is about teaching our children and ourselves about being better humans and making the world a better place. With deep gratitude for Sherry and the team who makes it possible.

  2. Beautifully written Irma! As I watch Sherry take on the monster tasks I would shy away from, I am thankful for her dedication, heart, and commitment to all of Abintra’s young minds. Her work is big. I am filled with gratitude that there is a heart as big as her’s that we can support!


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