Impact of the Annual Fund - Faculty Spotlight on Carmen Sanchez

The Abintra Annual Fund is a donation-based fund that covers a small portion of the budget not covered by tuition. One of the components that the Annual Fund supports is Professional Development for faculty and staff. Throughout our Annual Fund campaign, we'll share stories from faculty members about how Professional Development opportunities have enriched their experiences at Abintra. Here, we spotlight Carmen Sanchez.

What is your favorite part about working at Abintra?

The children! Always the children. This is what’s most important, every day. They are the windows through which we can learn and grow.

What is your role at Abintra?

I am a Lower School Spanish guide. I introduce the students to the fact that there are different cultures, different foods, different languages. We work with basic words that you use in the daily routine, like buenos días (good morning), cómo estás (how are you), and caminando (walking). We sing and read books in Spanish. I use the Montessori three-period lesson (a method that introduces and strengthen concepts through naming, recognition, and remembering) to teach the words, and the TPR, or Total Physical Response method, which uses language-body connections to teach. 

Tell me a bit about your story before you arrived at Abintra.

I have been teaching students all my life, from little ones to students in the University. I've taught here in the US and in Mexico. I’ve also worked in Early Intervention programs for the State.

What are some Professional Development opportunities in which you've participated, and how have they contributed to your experience as a guide?

I’ve participated in a six-week intensive Child Development Course online, which goes into detail on the Montessori theory and how it relates to stages of child development in children ages 3 to 6. Abintra also subscribes to an expansive webinar library, and I've been regularly participating in those offerings, which cover many topics including classroom management and strengthening your classroom team. 

I’ve also taken Positive Discipline workshops and attended Montessori Alliance of Tennessee conferences, which focus on the Montessori philosophy.

Maria Montessori opened the door to teachers to interpret the method in an open-minded way, always integrating new research. Professional Development opportunities allow me keep up with new findings. 

Stay tuned for more faculty spotlights!
