September Español in the Elementary Classes

T.P.R.S. = Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling.
Students retell the stories in their own words to recount the event in a way that demonstrates their understanding of the story.

Music is a great way to spice up any classroom. We use it in a variety of ways. We use rhythm to get the heart pumping and to enhance our moods. We use specific songs that use the vocabulary from the curriculum or to teach a cultural lesson. A song can also be a great source of a story. Each class is learning two songs.  

L.E. Los Pollitos-Mi escuelita
M.E. De Colores- Soy una pizza
U.E. El Rock de las Capitales. -Pobre Ana.

Reading Action Chain is a great way to warm up before we begin, such as a novel or short story.   Students write sentences describing the characters in each  chapter.  They then, put the story back in chronological order. 

Through getting to know other people, especially people from different cultures, Upper Elementary students have the opportunity not only to gain insight into how others view themselves, but also to learn more about themselves.  As a culminating project, students create a multimedia collage about themselves describing things that they like and things that describe Nashville.  We send the project together with their first e-mail to their pen pal in Barcelona, Spain.

