Upper Elementary News: Last Week of School

Electric Avenue by Alexandra and Alice
For our final science project, students built cardboard houses and added electricity. Some students added plumbing, and others even added people or pets. For the students who had finished their models by Wednesday, we had a tour of homes. We made a neighborhood, and we called it Electric Avenue. We walked around and looked at the houses. Some of them even had doorbells that played the Happy Birthday song. Solar panels, hand crank, or batteries powered the homes. It was a fun project.

A Farewell from Stella 
Abintra is a great place to make new friends and express who you are and who you want to be. Abintra doesn't discriminate. Abintra is very welcoming, and it has been a part of my family for nine years. No matter what happens, good or bad, Abintra has helped me learn how to cope and keep moving forward. I've never felt left out or not accepted when I'm here. I never imagined that I would ever leave this school, but the day has come for me to go. I wasn't sad about leaving until it hit me like a brick that I wouldn't see some of my friends for a long time. I was really emotional and felt sick about it. I don't have any siblings, but I never felt like an only child because I had Abintra as my family. Abintra isn't like any other school. It's special, to me at least, and I wish I would never have to say goodbye. 

Abintra has taught me so many skills that I wouldn't probably have learned anywhere else. I've known how to load a dishwasher and a laundry machine since Early Childhood, for example. I've learned so many life skills here that will help me in the future. Thank you, Abintra for helping me to become the confident, self-motivated, creative problem solver that I am.  

Beehive Names by Noah
The Bee Peeps got together and decided on names for the hives in our apiary. We had about a dozen names, but we could only choose nine. Garrett put all of the suggestions on a paper, and we all put a mark on the nine we wanted to keep. Here are the winning hive names:
Bumble Bunker, The Honey Hole, Bumble Gym, Dino Hive, B-Rex, The Comb Home, Honey Chef, Jungle Gym, and Bee Tree.

Warriors Board Game by Oleja
The following story is about a game Oleja created based on the Warriors book series by Erin Hunter.

The game is based on the life of a Warrior Cat, from a kitten to the leader of a clan. At the start of a game, you have 800 cc (cat coin) and a den. Each player starts in the kit zone and moves on to the apprentice zone. Once there, the player can choose a path, Warrior or Medicine Cat. There can only be ONE Medicine Cat in the game.The Medicine Cat path costs 300 cc but earns a salary of 100 cc each turn, which is generous. A Warrior has to depend on the luck of the dice for income and survival. Eventually, Warrior Cats may take a mate and have kits, however, Medicine Cats cannot have families so that they are not distracted from their duties. Kits cost 100 cc each, but families earn more cc for each kit. Players lose the game when their income runs out. The last player with cc wins the game.

Elek's Friday Funny
Why didn't the dog go to the market?
It was a flea market!

What was your favorite thing about this school year?
It was fun. - Roxy
It was awesome. I love the guides. - Reina
I really liked everything about the school year. - Alice 
The opportunities. I loved the farm. - Alia
There are so many nice people at Abintra. - Hayden
I love my friends and guides. - Olive
The Shakespeare play left me with a lasting impression. - Marissa 
