Upper School Spanish News April - Student Projects

“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.”- Flora Lewis

During the past month, some Upper School 2 Spanish students decided to play the role of a Spanish teacher during their regular Spanish lessons. Each student prepared a lesson to give to their classmates in their group. The lessons varied from Geography, Math, Science, language, cooking, commercials, and dancing. They did it all!

My role as a guide was to be a student and join the lesson. All the lessons were given in Spanish with very little English or no English at all.


“I love the geography of Europe and I love Spanish, so I decided to do my lesson on things I love. I made flash cards, and students matched the names of the countries in English and Spanish. I also asked questions about the location of each country, played World Bingo, and sang a song about South American capitals. Everyone was involved!” - Lillie C.

“We decided to make a commercial about a dancing studio where the teachers were cats. We learned how to dance Latin dances and then we taught students how to dance. The dance instruction was done in Spanish.” - Kiki and Tula

“I chose to be a teacher for one hour. We practiced the grammar that everyone has worked on already, reviewed vocabulary, wrote a story, played vocabulary bingo, and did some hand-work. I chose to be the teacher to get a better perspective of learning Spanish.” - Alia

“I followed up on Alia’s lesson. We read and wrote stories, and did spelling and proper grammar exercises. I hope to learn how to teach Spanish really well.”- Hazel

“We made a tropical drink and learned how to say all the names of the fruit in Spanish. We wrote sentences, cut the fruit and made the drink.” - Reina and Sofia

“We made salsa! Everyone helped prepare the salsa. We made a list of of all the ingredients in Spanish. We did activities like the memory game and other activities to reinforce the Spanish vocabulary.” - Anabel

“We decided to do a commercial about an unusual pet store. We learned the names of mythical creatures in Spanish.” - Lexa and Josephine

“We decided to make a commercial about one place that we both like, The Tennessee Country Fair. For the translation we used the Spanish -English dictionary.”- Bob and Ansel

“We decided to make Spanish jokes because of our horrible sense of humor. The jokes were only a little funny.” - Oleja and Bob

“I like science and I like candy and Spanish, so I put it all together and made candy cells. The challenge of doing it in Spanish added a fun way of teaching a lesson.” - Veronica

“I like math, so I choose to do math for my lesson. I used lots of Spanish words. I learned how to say the symbols for addition and subtraction in Spanish. We also played games to help the students learn the Spanish numbers.” - Lily S.

“My presentation was to be a Spanish teacher for 1 hour. My classmate Beckett was my student. I tested him on some things we’ve been working on. It felt good!” - Evan


“I decided to become a teacher for an hour, so I could feel the power of being a teacher and playing many Spanish games. Also, I asked my classmate (Evan) some questions and gave him a test about the grammar we have been working on.” - Beckett

"We worked with past tense verbs, which was fun and we learned a lot. Maria Asunción read a funny story in Spanish about a boy who wants to eat a big tropical salad, and we translated the story into English. Then, we shared our translation and saw how the verbs changed. We finished by filling in the blanks in the story." - Sofia, Reina, and Olive

"I enjoy cooking, so I decided to make Sopapillas. Everyone liked learning the names of the ingredients, and of course they all enjoyed eating them." - Samuel

Mucho amor
Maria Asunción
