Early Childhood Gross Motor Activities - Tricycles!

"The bicycle is a curious vehicle.  Its passenger is its engine."  - John Howard

"Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling."  - James E. Starrs
Our Early Childhood students are all smiles as they motor their vehicles on the front porch. Large motor skills, more commonly referred to as gross motor skills, refer to the ability to control the large muscles of the body. These are the muscles involved in activities such as running, jumping, lifting, and reaching, as well as maintaining proper posture and balance. Riding a tricycle is great for the development and exercise of those large muscles.

Children on tricycles learn how to pedal and steer at the same time. The dual wheels in the back offer balance as the child learns the rhythm and coordination of feet pushing the pedals while steering the handlebars. This activity enhances bilateral motor coordination and spatial awareness. The need to travel safely, accelerating or decelerating as needed, helps build motor planning ability. Also, because we have visitors on the porch, the children are learning to be mindful of pedestrians!
